Year 4 Syndicate

Tēnā koutou katoa

Our Year 4 Syndicate warmly welcomes your child to Term 3. 

The teaching team are:

Room 4: Ms Ruchika Rajkumar;

Room 6: Mrs Ismawani Busby;

Room 7: Mr Aryaman Parulkar;

Room 9: Dr Renée Gilgen.

It was great to meet with our students' parents over the past two days in Week 1. Thank you for taking the time to discuss your child's learning progress so far this year. 

Year 4 Home Learning

Please review the Year  4 Home Learning expectations for each week. Your child is encouraged to complete the two 'Must Do' tasks and if they have extra time, they can also complete the 'Can Do' tasks. 

Year 4 visit to STARDOME

Pink Shirt and

Rippa Rugby
