Year 4 Syndicate

Tēnā koutou katoa

Our Year 4 Syndicate welcome you and your child to Term 4, 2024.

The teaching team are:

Room 4: Ms Ruchika Rajkumar;

Room 6: Mrs Ismawani Busby;

Room 7: Mr Aryaman Parulkar;

Room 9: Dr Renée Gilgen.

The Inquiry Topic for Term 4 is centred on "Everyday Ecology" and is integrated into Reading, Writing and Mathematics Strand - Geometry. Athletics Day will be in Week 5 and the students will begin the swimming season during the final weeks of this term. 

As the final term for 2024, end of year assessments will be completed and a final report will be sent home at the end of the term. Notification of your child's 2025 class and teacher will be included into the report.

Please review the Year 4 Home Learning expectations for each week. Your child is encouraged to complete the two 'Must Do' tasks and if they have extra time, they can also complete the 'Can Do' tasks. 

Term 4 Year 4 Home Learning

The Term 3 Maths Strand focus is Statistics and the students completed a PPDAC Inquiry. PPDAC is a framework for students to develop the skills and competencies of problem solving in real contexts. 

The PPDAC cycle is:             Problem -> Plan -> Data -> Analysis -> Conclusion. 

Manners at MRPS 2024.pdf

                                                     Y4 Visit to Pah Homestead: Term 3, Nga Toi: The Arts Inquiry

Year 4 visit to STARDOME

Pink Shirt & Rippa   Rugby