Enrolment IN ZONE
To enrol a child at Mt Roskill Primary School you are required to provide the following:
A birth certificate, if born in New Zealand
or -
a passport stamped with a residency visa or valid student permit.
If not making an out-of-zone application, please provide 2 forms of proof of living at an in-zone address (e.g. electricity bill, telephone bill, statutory declaration), we do not accept bank statements or personal letters.
An immunisation certificate.
If the child is born in New Zealand but at least one parent is a migrant, then that parent is required to provide a copy of their birth certificate OR their passport.
Latest school report or portfolio from early childhood centre.
Enrolments are carried out at the school office any day during term time between the hours of 8 am and 3.30 pm.
Out of Zone applications for 2025 entry
Application Closing date: Tuesday 15th Oct 2024
Ballot date : Wednesday 23rd Oct 2024
Parents will be notified via email by Wednesday 30th October 2024.
Year Level calculation chart
OOZ 2025
Year 0 15/04/20 - 19-12/20
Year 1 17/04/19-14/04/20
Year 2 03/04/18-16/04/19
Year 3 18/04/17-02/04/18
Year 4 20/04/16-17/04/17
Year 5 15/04/15-19/04/16
Year 6 Beg Apr 14-14/04/15