School Uniform
The uniform consists of a combination of the following:
green monogrammed polo T-shirt (long or short sleeved)
navy monogrammed sweatshirt
navy shorts
navy trackpants or trousers
navy skorts (girls) - these are essentially shorts with a skirt flap at the front.
These can be viewed, ordered and purchased at The Warehouse 22 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Phone 09 620 9854.
The current price list can be downloaded from here
The wearing of school uniform is compulsory. Please ensure all uniform items are labelled. Wearing hats is compulsory during the summer months.
During winter, parents often like to add a long sleeved skivvy under the school T- shirt. The skivvy needs to be navy blue or black in colour and must not be longer than the length of the the t-shirt sleeve.
If parents want their girls to continue wearing the skort in winter then navy blue or black ankle length leggings can be worn underneath the skort. Leggings can only be worn when a skort is worn. Where possible, parents are encouraged to keep the skivvy and leggings matching in colour i.e. either blue or black.
Ankle length socks need to be navy, black, cream or white in colour.
Muslim girls’ head wear (hijab) needs to be plain and white, cream, blue or black in colour and be shoulder length only. Longer hijabs can be a hazard in the playground.
The school has current stocks of white, blue and black hijabs for sale at the office for $12.50 each. Once stocks are sold, parents can order through the office the hijabs and they will be delivered one week later.
Plain navy blue or black beanie (optional) in winter for wearing when outside of the classroom is allowed.
Jewellery and Hair Ties
Jewellery is not permitted at school. Wrist watches and plain ear studs are fine. Other jewellery can be dangerous when children play and there is also the problem that items can get lost.
Toys and Cell Phones
We also discourage children bringing toys from home except on special days organised by the Pupil Management Committee for fund raising activities. A lost or damaged toy can be upsetting for a child. Please keep these at home for the children to enjoy.
If you need to be in contact with your child during the school day then please ring the office and our staff will send a message to your child. If, on the rare occasion, you need to provide your child with a cell phone to contact you after school hours, then we request the cell phone is brought to the office for safe keeping until 3.00pm.