School Hours
8.30 am Teachers on duty. Road patrols begin Children can enter classrooms.
Children should be at school by 8.45 am, ready to start the day's program at 8.50 am.
8.50 - 10.30 Block 1
10.30 - 10.50- morning tea break
10.50 - 11.50 Block 2
11.50 - 12 noon- short break
12 noon - 1 p.m.- Block 3
1 p.m. - 1.10 p.m. lunch eating in class
1.10 p.m.- 1.50 p.m. lunch break
1.50 - 3 p.m.-Block 4
School finishes at 3 p.m.
Children need to be collected from school by 3.10 pm. Any child waiting needs to wait at the Arts Centre. The Mt Roskill Primary School Board of Trustees has determined that any child not collected by 3.20 pm on any school day will be placed in the care of a staff member and will wait in the office. The parents will be phoned and the child must be picked up as soon as possible.