School Donation
There is no School Donation this year as our school is eligible for assistance from the Ministry of Education.
STATIONERY PACK = $32.00 per pack for all year levels
$96.00 maximum for families with 4 or more children.
$20.00 per pack Endeavour Centre children only
Payment Options - Internet Banking.
Please use the following when making internet banking payments to the school.
Bank account: 12-3033-0356066-00
Bank account name: Mt Roskill Primary
Particulars: Your Child's name (if payment is for multiple children, use oldest child's details)
Code: Your Child's Room number (if payment is for multiple children, use oldest child's room number)
Reference: What is being paid? Eg: stationery
Payment Options - At School
Payment can be made by via EFT-POS or Credit Card at school office.
Cash and Cheque payments can be made at school office also.